Policy Press


Our Shorts are between 30-50,000 words and are available as e-books and in print with a shorter production schedule.

We publish the following type of Shorts under both Bristol University Press and Policy Press:

Research: books providing the latest cutting-edge or topical research findings (longer than an article but shorter than a monograph) publishing in hardback for an international market with a lower priced eBook which allows for individual purchase;

Policy Press also publish the following Shorts:

Policy and practice: as part of our commitment to impact and engaging with a wider audience, we also publish ‘policy and practice’ Shorts where there is support with dissemination through Open Access, organisational links, course buy-in or other direct routes to the policy and practice audience.

Written by experts in their fields, these formats provide high quality, peer reviewed content quickly and are available for both personal purchase and for libraries and institutions through the usual channels.

If you are interested in writing a short trade book, please either contact the relevant editor for your subject area or our general non-fiction editor.

Download a Shorts proposal form, including detailed guidelines, here.

Showing 145-156 of 207 items.

Re-imagining Religion and Belief

21st Century Policy and Practice

With growing diversity of religion and belief in every sector comes the potential for new dialogues across previously impermeable policy and disciplinary silos. This volume critically challenges policy makers to re-imagine religion and belief as an integral part of public life that contains resources, practices, forms of knowledge and experience.

Policy Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailableKindle

Rebuilding Social Democracy

Core Principles for the Centre Left

Edited by Kevin Hickson

Reclaiming Social Democracy is the first major reappraisal of social democracy on the centre-left since the election of Jeremy Corbyn. With a foreword by Lord Hain, it examines its foundational principles and identifies the values needed to find a route back to political credibility for Labour.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailableKindle

Reforming the UK’s Citizenship Test

Building Bridges, Not Barriers

Thom Brooks draws on first-hand experience and interviews with key figures including past Home Secretaries to expose the UK's Citizenship test as ineffective and a barrier to citizenship. This accessible guide offers recommendations for transforming the citizenship test into a ‘bridge to citizenship’ which fosters greater inclusion and integration.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Regulating Police Detention

Voices from behind Closed Doors

Custody visitors are volunteers who make unannounced visits to police custody blocks to check on the welfare of detainees. However, there is a fundamental power imbalance between the police and these visitors. This timely book offers detailed proposals for radically reforming custody visiting to make it an effective regulator of police behaviour.

Policy Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • Currently not availableHTML
  • AvailableKindle

Reimagining Homelessness

For Policy and Practice

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Bringing to light the most contemporary research, policy and practice, this book presents stark evidence from Irish experience to argue that we need to urgently reimagine the root causes of homelessness and provides a robust evidence base to reimagine how we respond to homelessness.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailablePDF

Reimagining the Nation

Togetherness, Belonging and Mobility

This book develops new ways of thinking beyond the nation as a form of political community by transcending ethnonational categories of ‘us’ and ‘them’. Drawing on scholarship and cases spanning Pacific Asia and Europe, it provides a constructive agenda for critical nationalism studies.

Policy Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailableHTML
  • AvailableKindle

Religion and Marriage Law

The Need for Reform

Successive governments have made progressive, but ad hoc reforms to marriage law in Britain. This book provides the first accessible guide to how contemporary marriage law interacts with religion. It reveals the need for the consolidation, modernisation and reform of marriage law and sets out proposals for transformation.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Repealing the 8th

Reforming Irish Abortion Law

Irish law only currently allows for abortion where the life of the pregnant woman is at risk. A constitutional referendum will be held in 2018 to liberalise abortion law. This book offers practical proposals for policymakers and advocates, including model legislation, making it an essential campaigning tool leading up to the referendum.

Policy Press
  • AvailablePaperback
  • AvailableEPUB
  • AvailableKindle
  • AvailablePDF

Representation, Resistance and the Digiqueer

Fighting for Recognition in Technocratic Times

Digital media technologies have enabled some LGBTQ+ individuals and communities to successfully organise for basic rights and justice, albeit at a risk of harassment and assault. Justin Ellis brings a ‘digiqueer’ perspective to LGBTQ+ identity formation through social media networks and considers the effects of surveillance technologies.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

The Resilient Entrepreneur

Lessons from the London Riots

What makes entrepreneurs more or less resilient to adversity? This illuminating case study brings together resilience, adaptation and crisis management evidence to offer invaluable lessons and interventions for entrepreneurs, managers and other stakeholders.

Bristol Uni Press
  • ForthcomingHardback
  • Currently not availableEPUB

Restorative Justice for Survivors of Sexual Abuse

Drawing on interviews with survivors, this book gives a voice to survivors and illuminates how restorative justice processes can meet their justice needs. With a unique focus on the people around the survivor rather than on the abuser, it offers radical solutions for the development of restorative justice programs and policy initiatives.

Policy Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB

Retail Ruins

The Ghosts of Post-Industrial Spectacle

In the context of widespread precarity and ongoing crises, ruins have captured much attention in recent years. This book is about a troubling new kind of space for consumer society: the retail ruin. Drawing on the author’s own fieldnotes and photographs, this book takes a hauntological approach to these ‘new’ ruins in the urban landscape.

Bristol Uni Press
  • AvailableHardback
  • AvailableEPUB