Policy Press

Social Policy

Showing 409-420 of 790 items.

Reimagining Global Abortion Politics

A Social Justice Perspective

This book considers how societal influences, such as religion, nationalism and culture, impact abortion law and access. It provides an accessible, informative and engaging text for academics, policy makers and readers interested in abortion politics.

Policy Press

Invisible Britain

Portraits of Hope and Resilience

Edited by Paul Sng

A photographic ethnography book that features the stories and portraits of individuals across the UK who have been impacted by social issues such as austerity, Brexit, deindustrialisation, nationalism and cuts to public services.

Policy Press

Global Agenda for Social Justice

Volume One

The Global Agenda for Social Justice provides accessible insights into some of the world’s most pressing social problems and proposes international public policy responses to those problems. Chapters examine topics such as criminal justice, media concerns, environmental problems, economic problems, and issues concerning sexualities and gender.

Policy Press

Public Policy Resources

Building on Knoepfel’s previous book, Public policy analysis, this book offers a conceptually coherent view of ten public policy resources: force, law, personal, money, property rights, information, organisation, consensus, time and political support.

Policy Press

Peak Inequality

Britain's Ticking Time Bomb

Dorling brings together new material alongside a selection of his most recent writing on inequality from publications including the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian, New Statesman, Financial Times and the China People’s Daily. He explores whether we have now reached ‘peak inequality’ and concludes by predicting what the future holds for Britain.

Policy Press

Social Policy First Hand

An International Introduction to Participatory Social Welfare

Social Policy First Hand is the first comprehensive international social policy text from a participatory perspective and presents a new service user-led social policy that addresses the current challenges in welfare provision.

Policy Press

Law and Society in a Populist Age

Balancing Individual Rights and the Common Good

Amitai Etzioni argues for a new liberal communitarian approach as an effective response to populism. The book considers national security versus privacy, private sector responsibility, freedom of the press, campaign finance reform, regulatory law and the legal status of terrorists, offering a timely discussion of key issues.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Policy Review 30

Analysis and Debate in Social Policy, 2018

This book examines critical debates in social policy, including discussions on modern slavery, welfare chauvinism and the Grenfell Tower fire, to offer an informed review of the best in social policy scholarship over the past year.

Policy Press

Local Knowledge Matters

Power, Context and Policy Making in Indonesia

This book explores the critical role that local knowledge plays in public policy processes as well as its role in the co-production of policy relevant knowledge with the scientific and professional communities.

Policy Press

Leading Public Sector Innovation (Second Edition)

Co-creating for a Better Society

Thoroughly revised to take account of the latest literature and international developments in the field. Drawing on global research and practical examples, Bason illustrates the key triggers and practices of public sector innovation.

Policy Press

The Politics of Compassion

Immigration and Asylum Policy

Through case studies from Australia, Europe and the US, this book explores how emotion is central to understanding the formation of immigration policy. The author looks beyond the ‘negative’ emotions of fear and hostility to examine the politics of compassion in immigration and asylum policy discourse.

Bristol Uni Press

Policy Analysis in Turkey

This volume provides the first comprehensive overview of the state of policy analysis in Turkey for an international audience, providing an in-depth review of the context, constraints, and dominant modes of policy analysis performed by both state and non-state actors.

Policy Press