Policy Press


Showing 253-264 of 604 items.

Critical Engagement with Public Sociology

A Perspective from the Global South

Involving four generations of Global South researchers, this book provides a theoretical and empirical critique of Burawoy’s model of public sociology. It offers a bridge between debates on public sociology and decolonial frameworks.

Bristol Uni Press

Broken Solidarities

How Open Global Governance Divides and Rules

Felix Anderl’s book is a stimulating analysis of the decline of the social movement against the World Bank and the rise of a new form of transnational rule. The book observes international organizations and social movements in their interaction, demonstrating how social movements are divided and ruled in the absence of a ruler.

Bristol Uni Press

The Deadly Intersections of COVID-19

Race, States, Inequalities and Global Society

Edited by Sunera Thobani

This book showcases the impact of state responses to COVID-19 on marginalized communities. The authors analyse the lockdowns, immigration and border controls, vaccine trials, income support and access to healthcare across eight countries in Australasia, North America, Asia and Europe to reveal the internal inequities within and between countries.

Bristol Uni Press

Feminist Conversations on Peace

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This edited collection brings together conversations across borders and boundaries which explore plural, intersectional and interdisciplinary concepts of feminist peace.

Bristol Uni Press

Visiting Immigration Detention

Care and Cruelty in Australia’s Asylum Seeker Prisons

This study of immigration detention policy in Australia presents first-hand accounts of more than 70 people visiting and supporting asylum seekers. Documenting and theorising their experiences and treatment, it delivers new perspectives on the profound human costs of hardline immigration policy, both in Australia and beyond.

Bristol Uni Press

Spatializing Marcuse

Critical Theory for Contemporary Times

This reappraisal of the geographical aspects of philosopher Herbert Marcuse’s theories finds fresh meanings and contemporary applications in his work. The book reveals what they tell us about space and politics today, how they can interpret modern geopolitics and provide the tools to overturn the status quo. 

Bristol Uni Press

Care and the Pluriverse

Rethinking Global Ethics

This book examines the concept of the pluriverse alongside global ethics and the ethics of care in order to contemplate new ethical horizons for engaging across difference. Offering a challenge to the current state of the field, this book argues for a rethinking of global ethics as it has been conceived thus far.

Bristol Uni Press

Moral Gravity

Staying Together at the End of the World

This radical book unsettles how we think about taking responsibility for environmental catastrophe.

Going beyond both hopelessness and false hope as responses to climate change, Hill envisions a society that does not centre human beings at its core and calls for sustaining a coexistence of animals, plants and minerals bound by one planet.

Bristol Uni Press

Resisting AI

An Anti-fascist Approach to Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere, yet it causes damage to society in ways that can’t be fixed. Calling for the restructuring of AI, Dan McQuillan sets out an anti-fascist approach that replaces exclusions with caring and outlines new mechanisms that support collective freedom.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19

Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Bringing together leading authors in the sociology and social movement fields from all continents, this unique book explores both the global echoes of the pandemic and the different local and national responses adopted by different actors.

Bristol Uni Press

Feminist Politics in Neoconservative Russia

An Ethnography of Resistance and Resources

This is an important account of grassroots feminist activism in Russia in the politically turbulent 2010s characterized by authoritarian and conservative trends. Drawing on interviews and rich ethnographic data, the book walks the reader through different feminist practices, revealing their historic and contemporary political echoes.

Bristol Uni Press

The Swedish Experiment

The COVID-19 Response and its Controversies

This short book explores Sweden’s response to the global pandemic and the wave of controversies it triggered. It helps to make sense of the response by defining ‘a Swedish model’ that incorporates the country’s value system and offers a case study for understanding the ways in which different national approaches to the pandemic have been compared.

Bristol Uni Press