Policy Press

Student Resources: Student reading lists

Browse our reading lists:

An Open Access reading list for the UN SDGs
To celebrate 2023's International Open Access Week theme: Community over commercialization, we have curated this collection of open access books and journal articles from our Global Social Challenges publishing program.

A reading list on gender and politics

Stephen Wenham, our Publisher for Politics and International Relations, reflects on Bristol University Press’ publishing on gender and politics, showcasing his recommendations from the list.

An Open Access reading list on climate change
To tie in with the theme of this year’s Open Access week, we have curated the following reading list of Open Access books and journal articles on climate change which we hope will contribute to debates in academia and beyond.

A reading list on democracy
Stephen Wenham, Publisher for Politics and International Relations, brings you his highlights in democracy from the list.

Reading on gendered violence and sex work
It’s been well documented that domestic violence has rose during the pandemic. While lockdown was intended to protect us from the virus, confinement with family meant, for some, confining themselves with their abuser, too.

Green criminology reading list
We have seen a big rise in research related to the environment and with a particlular focus on green criminology.

Climate change reading list
The books in this list demonstrate a call for change; they aim to widen debates about the ongoing global inequalities and the real political barriers that those in power pose to the climate negotiations.

Social welfare reading list: Our editor’s recommendations
Laura Vickers-Rendall, our Commissioning Editor for Social and Public Policy, has curated a reading list that highlights the broad range of poverty-focused publications from Policy Press.

A reading list for International Women’s Day
For International Women’s Day, we collated titles on the topic of women, gender and equality. These books provide evidence, showcase compelling research and shed new light on current debates, spanning a variety of approaches across the social sciences.