Policy Press


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Showing 277-280 of 280 items.

Working in Teams

A practical and accessible guide for students focussing on how inter-agency teams may be made to function more effectively, illustrated through real-life examples.

Policy Press

Writing for Research

A Time-Saving Guide

Writing is more difficult than it seems. This e-book will get you started and keep you going. It demystifies the craft of writing, and offers lots of tips and ideas to make writing manageable.

Policy Press

Young Muslims, Pedagogy and Islam

Contexts and Concepts

Written by a leading practitioner and academic in the field of youth and community work this multidisciplinary book reflects on the theoretical, social and religious impacts on the lives of Muslim young people.

Policy Press

Youth justice in practice

Making a difference

This book examines youth justice in a UK and international context, highlighting the challenge facing all jurisdictions in balancing welfare and justice. It explores the impact of political ideas and influences on the structural and practical challenges of delivering youth justice.

Policy Press