Policy Press


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Showing 277-280 of 280 items.

Digitized Institutions

In this Byte, the contributions consider the way that digitally meditated social processes are transforming institutions. It examines the interconnectedness of institutions and considers digitization across schooling, work, and media, with an eye on inequality.

Policy Press

Health Inequalities

From Titanic to the Crash

The third digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: health inequalities contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Public Health

Cholera to the Coalition

The first digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: public health and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press

Social Medicine

Polarisation and Perspectives

The second digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. It gives a flavour of one of the major themes: social medicine and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by a specially-written all-new introduction.

Policy Press