Policy Press

The Limits of EUrope

Identities, Spaces, Values

Edited by Russell Foster and Jan Grzymski


Apr 5, 2022

Page count

322 pages

Browse the series

Global Discourse




234 x 156 mm


Bristol University Press


Apr 5, 2022

Page count

322 pages

Browse the series

Global Discourse




234 x 156 mm


Bristol University Press


Apr 5, 2022

Page count

322 pages

Browse the series

Global Discourse




234 x 156 mm


Bristol University Press
The Limits of EUrope

Is the European Union (EU) in a state of crisis? Over recent years, a series of systemic and spontaneous challenges, including Brexit, the rise of Euroscepticism and the Eurozone and refugee crises, have manifested in landmark moments for European integration.

First published as a special issue of the journal Global Discourse, this edited collection investigates whether these crises are isolated phenomena or symptoms of a deeper malaise across the EU. Experts from across disciplines analyse and rethink the forces which pull Europeans together, as well as those which push them apart.

“This is an intriguing collection of essays on the European integration project and its crises. The wide range of perspectives included makes it a thought-provoking read.” Jocelyn Mawdsley, Newcastle University

Russell Foster is Lecturer in British and European Politics Education at King’s College London.

Jan Grzymski is Assistant Professor in the Centre of Migration Research at the University of Warsaw.

1. The Limits of EUrope – Russell Foster and Jan Grzymski

Part 1: De-Europeanisation Theory

2. De-Europeanisation after Brexit: Narrowing and Shallowing – William Outhwaite

3. Theorising the EU in Crisis: De-Europeanisation as Disintegration – Ben Rosamond

4. What Are the Driving Forces of Disintegration? A Response to Rosamond and Outhwaite – Christoph O. Meyer

5. Comments on Rosamond and Outhwaite: European Disintegration – Pierre Vimont

6. How Not to Talk about Europe – Alex Callinicos

7. A Response to William Outhwaite – David Spence

Part 2: Limits to European Identity and Memory

8. ‘Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George’: Europe and the Limits of Integrating Identity – Russell Foster

9. A Response to Russell Foster – John Mills

10. What does Self-Determination Mean Today? The Resurgence of Nationalism and European Integration in Question – Gerard Delanty

11. Comments on Gerard Delanty’s Chapter ‘What Does Self-Determination Mean Today? The Resurgence of Nationalism and European Integration in Question’ – Roger Casale

12. Victimhood as victory: The Role of Memory Politics in the Process of De-Europeanisation in East-Central Europe – Peter Vermeersch

13. A Response to Peter Vermeersch’s ‘Victimhood as Victory’ – Martí Grau i Segú

Part 3: Limits to European Space and Borders

14. Seeing like a EUropean border: Limits of the EUropean Borders and Space – Jan Grzymski

15. Reflections on Borders, Boundaries and the Limits of EUrope – Tobias Schumacher

16. Brexit: A Requiem for the Post-National Society? – Adrian Favell

17. Can a Post-National Vision Better Tackle Racial Discrimination than a National One? A Response to Adrian Favell: ‘Brexit: A Requiem for a Post-National Society?’ – Omar Khan

18. Migration, Solidarity and the Limits of Europe – Martina Tazzioli and William Walters

19. Response to ‘Migration, Solidarity and the Limits of Europe’ – Liz Fekete

Part 4: Limits to Transformative and Normative Europe

20. Entering the ‘Post-Shame Era’: The Rise of Illiberal Democracy, Populism and Neo-Authoritarianism in EUrope – Ruth Wodak

21. Response to Ruth Wodak – Heather Grabbe and Andreas Aktoudianakis

22. Opportunistic Legitimisation and De-Europeanisation as a Reverse Effect of Europeanisation – Spasimir Domaradzki

23. Comments on ‘Opportunistic Legitimisation and De-Europeanisation as a Reverse Effect of Europeanisation’ – Krassen Stanchev

24. Is Homo Oeconomicus an Extinct Species, and Does it Matter for EUropean Integration? Attitudes towards Free Trade and Populism – Bogna Gawrońska-Nowak

25. The decline of 'Homo Oeconomicus' and the Crisis of Liberal EUropean Integration’: A Response to Bogna Gawrońska-Nowak – Federico Ottavio Reho