Policy Press
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Academics Stand Against Poverty 2024 manifesto audit

For the third time, Academics Stand Against Poverty UK (ASAP UK) have carried out a rapid review of the party manifestos to produce the audit as a source of information for those in the country concerned about poverty and trying to decide which party will offer the best policy platform to effectively address poverty and promote the flourishing of citizens in the UK.

Download the report here.

View on Issuu.

PODCAST: Scoring the General Election promises on poverty

Listen to Cat Tully, head of the School of International Futures (SOIF) and on the board of ASAP, and Lee Gregory, Associate Professor in Social Policy at the University of Nottingham and Chair of Trustees for ASAP UK, on the Transforming Society podcast talk about how the audit has been produced and why it matters.




#StandAgainstPoverty blog series on Transforming Society