We don't want our publishing to be the only thing making a difference, which is why we choose a different local charity every year to support through fundraising and awareness campaigns.
Our chosen charity for 2025 is Bristol Refugee Rights. Bristol Refugee Rights works to improve the lives of asylum seekers and refugees in Bristol. They run Welcome Centres that direct individuals to essential services and promote a sense of community, produce translated information packs that explain the UK asylum system and offer case-by-case advice.
Donate via our JustGiving page.
To make sure we maximise our fundraising efforts, our charity team meets once a month to brainstorm new ideas and ensure everything for our larger events is going smoothly. The team represents a true cross section of our company, with representatives from all departments, and across the company hierarchy, giving everyone a chance to be heard and work to their strengths.
We get our reviewers involved too! Thank you to all who have chosen, generously, to donate their reviewer fees.
Over the years we have supported a variety of charities, and have done many different activities to help raise money. A recent history follows, including highlighted events over the years.
2024: War Child
The team organised and participated in a range of fundraising events throughout the year including bake sales, Wordle and crossword competitions, Christmas cards and decorations and our annual charity pub quiz!
2023: Suicide Prevention Bristol
We ran many events, including a Great British Bake Off bake-along, a fantastic pub quiz and a series of events during Mindfulness month.
2022: FareShare South West
We ran a lot of fundraising activities, including a pub quiz, a book sale and a musicathon.
2021: Project Mama
A lot of fundraising events took place in 2021, from half and full marathons to cookie delivery services.
2020: Julian House
Determined to raise money despite the pandemic we held sweepstakes, online quizzes and took part in the socially distanced Circuit of Bath Walk.
2019: The Green House
Our biggest event in 2019 was the 24-hour danceathon we hosted at The Green House.
2018: The Shannon Trust
Eleven members of our team walked the 16 miles from Horfield Prison to Mr B's Emporium in Bath to raise money for The Shannon Trust. Two of our staff members wrote one of the books in the Turning Pages series and donated the fees to the charity.
2017: Bristol Refugee Rights
Our team committed to completing a 100-mile cycle challenge using two static bikes, and everyone was so enthusiastic we ended up cycling over 200 miles!
2016: Unseen UK
We participated in Unseen UK’s #letsnailit campaign with our staff painting their nails neon colours for a week.