Policy Press

Child Welfare

Showing 1-12 of 45 items.

Food Banks in Schools and Nurseries

The Education Sector’s Responses to the Cost-of-Living Crisis

Drawing on case studies of 12 primary schools and early years settings across England, this book explores how food banks operate for families facing financial insecurity operate and how they affect children’s participation and wellbeing. It explores the major policy decisions that needs to be made to support families.

Policy Press

What Works in Improving Gender Equality

International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book provides an accessible analysis of what gender equality means and how we can achieve it by adapting best practices in childcare and long term care policies from other countries.

Policy Press

A Year Like No Other

Life on a Low Income during COVID-19

Telling the stories of low-income families, this book exposes the ways that pre-existing inequalities, insecurities and hardships were amplified during the pandemic in the UK and offers key policy recommendations for change.

Policy Press

Innovation in Social Care

New Approaches for Young People Affected by Extra-Familial Risks and Harms

Based on the findings of the Innovate Project, this book asks how services can be re-envisioned and transformed through innovation. The authors offer insights into the core conditions necessary for socially just and practice-congruent social care innovation that responds to the distinctive, contemporary safeguarding concerns facing young people.

Policy Press

Raising the Nation

How to Build a Better Future for Our Children (and Everyone Else)

Setting out big public policy ideas, enhanced by contributions from academic and campaigning experts, as well as those with lived experience, Raising the Nation shows why we must prioritise child-centred policies to ensure the future strength of our communities, environment and economy.

Policy Press

Raising the Nation

How to Build a Better Future for Our Children (and Everyone Else)

Setting out big public policy ideas, enhanced by contributions from academic and campaigning experts, as well as those with lived experience, Raising the Nation shows why we must prioritise child-centred policies to ensure the future strength of our communities, environment and economy.

Policy Press

What Matters and Who Matters to Young People Leaving Care

A New Approach to Planning

EPDF and EPUB are available open access under CC BY NC ND licence. This publication was supported by University of Essex's open access fund.

Peter Appleton builds on research interviews with care-experienced young adults, and on cross-disciplinary theories of planning and of emotions, to develop a model of planning for young people leaving care.

Policy Press

Policy for Play

Responding to Children's Forgotten Right

Using the UK government’s play strategy for England (2008-10) as a case study, this is the first book to look in detail at children’s play within public policy. It is an essential tool for practitioners and campaigners around the world.

Policy Press

Online Child Sexual Victimisation

Focusing on online facilitated online sexual abuse, this book takes a rigorous approach to existing literature to address some of the most pressing public and policy questions on this type of abuse. It examines which children are most vulnerable, how their vulnerability is made, what they are vulnerable to and how we can foster resilience.

Policy Press

Young and Lonely

The Social Conditions of Loneliness

This book addresses important questions about tackling today’s epidemic of loneliness among young people, exploring experiences of loneliness in early life and considering how social conditions of austerity, precarity, inequality and competitive pressures to succeed can dramatically influence these feelings.

Policy Press

Parental Conflict

Outcomes and Interventions for Children and Families

The book shows how children are affected by conflict, explores why they respond to conflict in different ways, and provides clear, practical guidance on the best ways to ameliorate the effects.

Policy Press

Protecting Children

A Social Model

This book explores the policy and practice possibilities offered by a social model of child protection. Drawing on developments in mental health and disability studies, it examines the conceptual, political and practice implications of this new framework.

Policy Press