Policy Press

Development Studies Association conference 2021 journal highlights

We are excited to share our latest journals content with you at DSA 2021. Keep reading to learn about our new challenge led open access journal: the Global Social Challenges Journal and the launch of Global Political Economy. Enjoy free articles and highlights from a range of our journals. 

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Global Social Challenges journal banner

Introducing Global Social Challenges Journal

How can we re-imagine society in an era of climate change, pandemic, hunger, poverty and other pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead of us, but so do opportunities. This new fully open access, not for profit journal aims to facilitate thinking about these positive new trajectories and become the journal of choice to address the complexities of global social challenges across disciplines.  

The Global Social Challenges Journal will be the first such journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst engaging with research from humanities, arts and STEM. It will be an important home for research which contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining.  

David Simon

David Simon, Co-Editor

"Having worked across and between disciplines most of my career and more recently also in strongly transdisciplinary contexts, finding an appropriate home for these outputs has often been challenging. Many journals claim to welcome such intersections and cross-overs but rarely achieve this in practice. The opportunity to help launch and develop Global Social Challenges Journal as an explicitly inter-and transdisciplinary outlet therefore instantly attracted me, the more because of its open access and non-profit business model."

Learn more about the Global Social Challenges Journal’s global editorial team.

Want to know more? Read our call for submissions, follow @GSC_Journal, and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.

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Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 

The Journal of Poverty and Social Justice provides an internationally unique forum for leading research on the themes of poverty and social justice. Focusing on poverty and social exclusion, the journal explores links with social security (including pensions and tax credits), employment, area regeneration, housing, health, education and criminal justice, as well as issues of ethnicity, gender, disability, and other social inequalities as they relate to social justice. 

Want to learn more? Read the free sample issue and explore the Editors’ Choice collection for free.  

Journal highlights include 

India’s labour force during a pandemic: how we have failed 
Sanjit Kumar Chakraborty and Kanchan Yadav 

Impact of COVID-19 lockdown and social distancing policies on small businesses in south-eastern Nigeria: whither the stimulus packages? 
Victor Chidubem Iwuoha et al.  

Multidimensional poverty in Kolkata’s slums: towards data driven decision making in a medium-sized NGO 
Maurice Lange 

Retheorising the relationship between electricity scarcity and social injustice: evidence from Zimbabwe 
Ellen Fungisai Chipango 

Crop of the Global Political Economy cover

New journal coming soon: Global Political Economy  

Global Political Economy is the much-anticipated journal for the discipline of global political economy. The journal offers a critical platform for research that interrogates prevailing institutions, norms and patterns of authority and explanatory categories, authors will engage with and drive debates around emancipatory discourses and praxis.   

Submissions will open soon. Read the call for papers and sign up to the Global Political Economy mailing list to learn more.      

Crop of the European Journal of Politics and Gender cover

European Journal of Politics and Gender 

The European Journal of Politics and Gender (EJPG) publishes international, cutting-edge research in the broad field of politics and gender. EJPG is endorsed by the Gender and Politics Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). EJPG is firmly embedded in global politics and gender scholarship. It aims to advance gender and politics research in all its diversity. 

Read our free sample issue and free Editors’ Choice collection.  

Journal highlights include 

Development funding and the occlusion of feminist expertise 
Kellea Shay Miller 

Remedying depletion through social reproduction: a critical engagement with the United Nations’ business and human rights framework  
Beth Goldblatt and Shirin M. Rai 

Gender and countering violent extremism in Women, Peace and Security national action plans 
Doris Asante and Laura J. Shepherd 

Power, knowledge and the politics of gender in the Global South [Open Access] 
Peace Medie and Alice Kang 

Crop of the Global Discourse cover

Global Discourse

Global Discourse is an interdisciplinary, problem-oriented journal of applied contemporary thought operating at the intersection of politics, international relations, sociology and social policy. The journal’s scope is broad, encouraging interrogation of current affairs with regard to core questions of distributive justice, wellbeing, cultural diversity, autonomy, sovereignty, security and recognition. 

Read our free sample issue and free Editors’ Choice collection.  

Journal highlights include  

Edible speculations: designing everyday oracles for food futures
Markéta Dolejšová 

House of cards: fragility and resilience of food systems in a pandemic 
Serena Pollastri 

The case for Interdisciplinary Crisis Studies 
Annika Bergman-Rosamond et al  

Refugee crises: an architype for crisis studies 
Roger Zetter 

The themed issue: Staying with Speculation: Natures, Futures, Politics 

The themed issue: Pandemic Politics in the Persian Gulf 

The themed issue: Transnational religious networks and geopolitics in the Muslim World (free until 31 December) 


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Refugee and asylum collection 

According to the UN, 20 people are displaced by war, persecution or terror every minute. These people often are forced to make a dangerous journey to seek refuge in new countries, many of which have grown increasingly hostile to refugees and asylum seeker in recent years.

This collection of articles explores the impact of these hostilities and outlines ways that we can better support refugees and asylum seekers. All of the articles in this collection are free to read throughout June, including:

Global Discourse
Contesting the politics of negative emotions in educational policymaking: a ban on asylum seekers’ school visits in Finland
Iida Pyy, Anniina Leiviskä and Jan-Erik Mansikka

Journal of Poverty Social Justice
The topology of welfare‐migration‐asylum: Britain’s outsiders inside
Lydia D. Morris

Read the full collection here  

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