Policy Press

Economics and Society - Research

Showing 37-48 of 92 items.

Robots and Immigrants

Who Is Stealing Jobs?

This book scrutinises the narratives created around stealing jobs, opening new debates on the role of automation and migration policies. The authors reveal how the advances in AI and demands for constant flow of immigrant workers eradicate political and working rights, propagating fears over job theft and ownership.

Bristol Uni Press

The Political Economy of Digital Monopolies

Contradictions and Alternatives to Data Commodification

As outrage over the socially damaging practices of technology companies intensifies, this book asks what it actually means to hold a 'monopoly' in the tech world and offers an in-depth analysis of how these corporate giants are produced, financialized, and regulated.

Bristol Uni Press

After Brexit and Other Essays

After Brexit brings together Gamble’s most influential writings on British politics and political economy from the last 40 years, reflecting on issues that animate British politics, from the decline of the economy and reshaping the welfare state to the transformation of political parties and devolution to Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Bristol Uni Press

Job Insecurity and Life Courses

Drawing from interviews and survey data across the EU and the UK, this in-depth study explores how worker instability is perceived and experienced, and how this “perception” in turn affects individuals’ economic and social situation. Using intersectional analysis, the authors identify groups who are more prone to labour market risks.

Bristol Uni Press

The Growing Challenge of Youth Unemployment in Europe and America

A Cross-Cultural Perspective

This book provides a culturally nuanced analysis of key issues relating to youth unemployment. Examining the causes and consequences of youth unemployment, it assesses ways forward to promote economic self-sufficiency.

Bristol Uni Press

Remaking the Real Economy

Escaping Destruction by Organised Money

Debunking the myths around the current economic belief systems, this book reveals how mainstream perspectives work for the benefit of the organised money establishment, while causing all manner of destructions and inequalities which work against the common good. It offers a refreshingly simple business strategy model for a truly sustainable future.

Policy Press

The Age of Low Tech

Towards a Technologically Sustainable Civilization

A best-seller in France, this English language edition introduces readers to an alternative perspective on our technological future. Bihouix skilfully goes against the grain to argue that ‘high’ technology will not solve global problems and envisages a different approach to manage our resources and build a more resilient and sustainable society.

Bristol Uni Press

Enduring Austerity

The Uneven Geographies of the Post-Welfare State

This book reflects on the spatially and socially uneven impacts of austerity and considers its future impacts on individuals, families and areas. In doing so, it offers a new critical analysis of the uneven geographies created by austerity in the post-welfare age.

Bristol Uni Press

The Marketisation of Welfare-To-Work in Ireland

Governing Activation at the Street-Level

This book offers Ireland’s introduction of a welfare-to-work market as a case study that speaks to wider international debates in social and public policy about the role of market governance in intensifying the turn towards more regulatory and conditional welfare models on the ground.

Policy Press

Crowdfunding and the Democratization of Finance

A unique collaboration between an academic and a practitioner, this book tells the story of money from ancient Athens to the Bitcoin revolution to explain how crowdfunding is the way for people to reclaim the power of their money in pursuit of a fairer and greener society.

Bristol Uni Press

Compassionate Capitalism

Business and Community in Medieval England

It may seem like a recent trend, but the businesses have been practicing “Compassionate Capitalism” for nearly a thousand years. Based on the recently discovered historical documents on Cambridge’s urban property market, this transdisciplinary study presents an invaluable contribution to our knowledge of the early phases of capitalism.

Bristol Uni Press

Money for Everyone

Why We Need a Citizen's Income

This much-needed book analyses the social, economic and labour market advantages of a Citizen's Income in the UK. It also contains international comparisons and links with broader issues around the meaning of poverty and inequality, making a valuable contribution to the debate around benefits.

Policy Press