Policy Press

Life stages and intergenerationality

Addressing issues around Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 4: Quality Education and Goal 5: Gender Equality, the work we publish in this area – including on our Ageing and Gerontology, Children, Young People and Families and Education lists, and the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal - helps identify and address the challenges that come at different life stages and between different generations.

It explores issues around health at different stages of life, demographics, intergenerationality, the challenges in education and the need for equal participation at all stages of the lifecourse. 

Bristol University Press and Policy Press are signed up to the UN SDG Publishers Compact. In Life stages and intergenerationality, we aim to address the following goals:

SDG Publishers compact logoSDG 1: No povertySDG 3: Good health and well-beingSDG 4: Quality educationSDG 5: Gender equality

Showing 25-36 of 290 items.

Aging People, Aging Places

Experiences, Opportunities, and Challenges of Growing Older in Canada

Bringing together academic research, practitioner reflections and personal narratives from older adults across Canada, this text provides a rare spotlight on the local implications of aging in Canadian cities and communities. They provide a wide-ranging and comprehensive discussion of how to build supportive communities for Canadians of all ages.

Policy Press

Approaching retirement

Social divisions, welfare and exclusion

Using the idea of the social division of welfare as a template, this book assesses different approaches to retirement pensions policy, highlighting their relative strengths and weaknesses. An invaluable resource for social science students and for those who teach them. Economists and pension practitioners will also find food for thought here.

Policy Press

Around the clock

Childcare services at atypical times

This timely report considers how childcare services are meeting the needs of parents working atypical hours.

Policy Press

Assistive technology and telecare

Forging solutions for independent living

Assistive technology and telecare are of increasing importance in government policy on healthcare provision. This report provides a comprehensive review and analysis of current policy and practice, as well as making recommendations for the future.

Policy Press

Attitudes to flexible working and family life

This report is the first to examine attitudes towards flexible working and family life. Drawing on a study of over 1500 members of the AEEU and interviews with 53 shop stewards, the report addresses key questions around rights and benefits, employer's attitudes, gender differences and the effects of flexible working on health and well-being.

Policy Press

Baby Boomers

Time and Ageing Bodies

This ground-breaking study of the baby boomer generation reflects the intersection of time, ageing, body and identity to give a nuanced and enlightened understanding of the ageing process.

Policy Press

Belief and ageing

Spiritual pathways in later life

This book illustrates the variety of religious, spiritual and other beliefs held by older people, including British Christians, Muslims, Humanists and witnesses of the Soviet persecution of religion.

Policy Press

Belonging and Belongings

Children’s Sense of Home in Shared Custody Arrangements

Bristol Uni Press
  • ForthcomingHardbackGBP 80.00 Pre-order
  • Currently not availableEPUBGBP 27.99

Beyond listening

Children's perspectives on early childhood services

This book is the first of its kind to focus on listening to young children, both from an international perspective and through combining theory, practice and reflection. With contributions and examples from researchers and practitioners it examines how listening to young children in early childhood services is understood and practiced.

Policy Press

Beyond Successful and Active Ageing

A Theory of Model Ageing

This controversial book argues that concepts such as ‘successful’ and ‘active’ ageing are potentially dangerous paradigms that reflect and exacerbate inequalities in older populations. Essential reading for anyone seeking to make sense of social constructions of ageing in contemporary societies.

Policy Press

Broadening the dementia debate

Towards social citizenship

This book examines dementia from a social citizenship perspective. It looks at rights, status(es) and participation and shows how this framework can be applied in practice.

Policy Press

Building better connections

Interagency work and the Connexions Service

This highly topical report provides much needed evidence to inform the re-configuration of services for children and young people. Focusing on the Connexions strategy and service in England, it explores the effectiveness of inter-agency working in this area.

FREE pdf version available online at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press