Policy Press

Life stages and intergenerationality

Addressing issues around Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 4: Quality Education and Goal 5: Gender Equality, the work we publish in this area – including on our Ageing and Gerontology, Children, Young People and Families and Education lists, and the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal - helps identify and address the challenges that come at different life stages and between different generations.

It explores issues around health at different stages of life, demographics, intergenerationality, the challenges in education and the need for equal participation at all stages of the lifecourse. 

Bristol University Press and Policy Press are signed up to the UN SDG Publishers Compact. In Life stages and intergenerationality, we aim to address the following goals:

SDG Publishers compact logoSDG 1: No povertySDG 3: Good health and well-beingSDG 4: Quality educationSDG 5: Gender equality

Showing 25-36 of 290 items.

Building better connections

Interagency work and the Connexions Service

This highly topical report provides much needed evidence to inform the re-configuration of services for children and young people. Focusing on the Connexions strategy and service in England, it explores the effectiveness of inter-agency working in this area.

FREE pdf version available online at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Safeguarding Children and Young People Online

A Guide for Practitioners

The first book to provide practitioners with an evidence-based, practical guide to safeguarding children and young people from abuse in a world of sexting, selfies and snap chat.

Policy Press

New policies for older workers

Against a background of population ageing, policy makers in the majority of industrialised countries are developing policies aimed at extending working life and promoting the benefits of employing older workers. This report reviews developments in several countries and offers recommendations for public policy.

Policy Press

Happy retirement?

The impact of employers' policies and practice on the process of retirement

Any attempt by governments to stem the tide of early retirement will need to focus as much on employers' management of human resources as on the impacts of social policy. This report focuses on this previously neglected area: employers' policies and practice as a dynamic force in retirement decisions.

Policy Press

Employment transitions of older workers

The role of flexible employment in maintaining labour market participation and promoting job quality

This report explores the possibilities of more flexible forms of work that bridge the gap between a steady career job and retirement. It examines such jobs in the wider context of the types of transition that are being made by people leaving work early.

Policy Press

Chinese older people

A need for social inclusion in two communities

Chinese older people living in the UK suffer from a number of disadvantages compounded by exclusion from both their own community and the mainstream community. Through interviews with 100 Chinese older people, this unique report provides suggestions for good policy and practice for promoting Chinese older people's inclusion in both communities.

Policy Press

Money, choice and control

The financial circumstances of early retirement

This report looks at the role of finances in decisions about early moves out of work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with people who make an early retirement, it makes a distinctive contribution to understanding their experiences, looking at the importance of money alongside other influences, including health and domestic circumstances.

Policy Press

Combining self-employment and family life

Despite the increasing policy interest in work-life balance issues, relatively little research has been carried out into the links between self-employment and family life. This report considers, for the first time, the extent to which new family-friendly initiatives and legislation provide adequate support for self-employed parents.

Policy Press

Geographical mobility

Family impacts

This report charts the changing role and nature of geographical mobility in organisational strategies and career development. It explores the work and family life experiences of employees and partners who have faced job-related geographical mobility.

Policy Press

'Planned' teenage pregnancy

Perspectives of young parents from disadvantaged backgrounds

This in-depth study explores the motivations for 'planned' teenage pregnancy in England. The findings have important implications for the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy and the increasing political agenda on young people and health.

A free pdf version of this report is available online at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Child poverty in large families

The UK child poverty rate for large families is among the highest in the OECD. This study investigates the prevalence and characteristics of poor children in large families in the UK and how we compare with other countries.

FREE pdf version available online at www.jrf.org.uk

Policy Press

Online Child Sexual Victimisation

Focusing on online facilitated online sexual abuse, this book takes a rigorous approach to existing literature to address some of the most pressing public and policy questions on this type of abuse. It examines which children are most vulnerable, how their vulnerability is made, what they are vulnerable to and how we can foster resilience.

Policy Press