Policy Press

Social groups

Showing 301-312 of 554 items.

Gender Based Violence in University Communities

Policy, Prevention and Educational Initiatives

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence. This book provides the first in-depth overview of research and practice in GBV in universities. It sets out the international context of ideologies, politics and institutional structures that underlie responses to GBV in elsewhere in Europe, in the US, and in Australia.

Policy Press

Ageing in Everyday Life

Materialities and Embodiments

Edited by Stephen Katz

What does it mean to age in an ageist society? Applying interdisciplinary perspectives about everyday life to vital issues in older people’s lives, this is a critical guide to inform thinking and planning our ageing futures.

Policy Press

Understanding Trans Health

Discourse, Power and Possibility

Addressing urgent challenges and debates in trans health, this book interweaves patient voices with social theory and autobiography, offering an innovative look at how shifting language, patient mistrust, waiting lists and professional power shape clinical encounters, and exploring what a better future might look like for trans patients.

Policy Press

The New Working Class

How to Win Hearts, Minds and Votes

Who is working class today and how do political parties gain their support? This insightful book proposes what needs to be done to address the issues of the 'new working class'. It provides practical recommendations for political parties to reconnect with the electorate and regain trust.

Policy Press

Communicating and Engaging with Children and Young People

Making a Difference

This bestselling, practice-focussed textbook will equip students and practitioners with the critical thinking and tools needed for effective practice in order to promote the welfare, protection and rights of children and young people.

Policy Press

White Privilege

The Myth of a Post-Racial Society

Why and how do those from black and minority ethnic communities continue to be marginalised? Bhopal explores how neoliberal policy-making has increased discrimination faced by those from non-white backgrounds. This important book examines the impact of race on wider issues of inequality and difference in society.

Policy Press

Dementia and Human Rights

Launching the dementia debate into new and exciting territory, this book applies a human rights lens to interrogate the lived experience and policy response to dementia.

Policy Press

Parenting the Crisis

The Cultural Politics of Parent-Blame

This book examines how pathologising ideas of failing, chaotic and dysfunctional families create a powerful consensus that Britain is in the grip of a ‘parent crisis’ and are used to justify increasingly punitive state policies.

Policy Press

Re-imagining Contested Communities

Connecting Rotherham through Research

Using history, artistic practice, writing, poetry, autobiography and collaborative ethnography, this book literally and figuratively re-imagines a place, presenting a ‘how to’ for researchers interested in community collaborative research and accessing alternative ways of knowing and voices in marginalised communities.

Policy Press

How to Build Houses and Save the Countryside

Focusing on house building and conservation politics in England, Spiers uses his considerable experience and extensive research to demonstrate why the current model doesn’t work, and why there needs to be both planning reform and a more active role for the state, including local government.

Policy Press

The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families

Resources, Employment and Policies to Improve Wellbeing

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book presents evidence from over 40 countries that shows how single parents face a triple bind of inadequate resources, employment and policies, which in combination further complicate their lives.

Policy Press

The New Dynamics of Ageing Volume 1

Edited by Alan Walker

A comprehensive multi-disciplinary overview of the very latest research on ageing, concentrating on three major themes: active ageing, design for ageing well and the relationship between ageing and socio-economic development.

Policy Press