Policy Press

Political Studies Association conference 2022 journal highlights

Scroll down to browse the journal highlights for the Political Studies Association conference. Including a collection of free articles on inclusion and innovation in the policy process. Keep reading for journal highlights and the launch of Global Social Challenges Journal and Global Political Economy.

Global Social Challenges JournalPolicy & PoliticsGlobal Political EconomyEuropean Journal of Politics and GenderEvidence and PolicyGlobal DiscourseJournal of Public Finance and Public Choice

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Inclusion and Innovation collection 

Enjoy free access to this collection of free articles on the topic of Inclusion and Innovation in Public Policy. This collection explores co-creation, service user expertise and intersectional practice. The collection is free to access throughout April and includes over 30 articles from Policy & Politics and Evidence & Policy

How diverse and inclusive are policy process theories?
Tanya Heikkila and Michael D. Jones

Challenging boundaries to expand frontiers in gender and policy studies 
Emanuela Lombardo and Petra Meier  

What is co-production? Conceptualising and understanding co-production of knowledge and policy across different theoretical perspectives 
Justyna Bandola-Gill, Megan Arthur and Rhodri Ivor Leng 

Collaborative governance and innovation in public services settings 
Nicolette van Gestel and Sanne Grotenbreg 

Explore the full collection.   


Global Social Challenges journal banner

Global Social Challenges Journal

How can we re-imagine society in an era of climate change, pandemic, hunger, poverty and other pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead of us, but so do opportunities. This new fully open access, not-for-profit journal aims to facilitate thinking about these positive new trajectories and become the journal of choice to address the complexities of global social challenges across disciplines. 

The Global Social Challenges Journal will be the first such journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst engaging with research from humanities, arts and STEM. It will be an important home for research which contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining. 

Want to know more? Read our call for submissions, follow @GSC_Journal, and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.  


Policy & Politics banner

Highlights from Policy & Politics

Policy & Politics is a world-leading journal committed to advancing our understanding of the dynamics of policy-making and implementation. With an impact factor of 3.75 it ranks in the top 20 journals in Public Administration category of the Journal Citation Reports. Policy & Politics also sits in the top 20 journals in the Political Science category. 

This year we are celebrating the journal's 50th anniversary with boundary pushing special issues, events and featured content collections. Sign up to the newsletter and follow @Policy_Politics on Twitter to see what we have in store.    

Prize winning articles   

We are delighted to announce the 2021 winners of Policy & Politics best paper prizes:  

The Bleddyn Davies Prize Early Career Prize 
From policy entrepreneurs to policy entrepreneurship: actors and actions in public policy innovation [Free Access] 
Maria Galanti and Giliberto Capano 

Ken Young Best Paper Prize 
Beyond nudge: advancing the state-of-the-art of behavioural public policy and administration [Free Access] 
Benjamin Ewert, Kathrin Loer and Eva Thomann 

Recent special issues  
Taking risks and breaking new frontiers in Policy & Politics  

Beyond nudge: advancing the state-of-the-art of behavioural public policy and administration  
Guest edited by Benjamin Ewert, Kathrin Loer and Eva Thomann  

You might also be interested in our Highlights Collection and our free sample issue


European Journal of Politics and Gender

Highlights from the European Journal of Politics and Gender   

Editors' Choice collection, free until 30 April:  

Breaking hegemony: coalition as decolonial-intersectional praxis 
Erica Townsend-Bell 

 'Together we stand’: coalition-building in the Italian and Spanish feminist movements in times of crisis 
Daniela Chironi and Martín Portos  

‘You can’t repeal regret’: targeting men for mobilisation in Ireland’s abortion debate 
Kate Hunt and Amanda Friesen  

See also: Volume 2, Number 2, June 2019 our free sample issue. 

Recent special issues and themed sections  

Themed section: Towards a Feminist Peace 
Guest edited by Jenna Sapiano and Jacqui True 

Feminist Alliances: The Ideas, Practices and Politics of Intersectional Solidarity 
Guest edited by Rossella Ciccia, Donatella della Porta and Elena Pavan 

Want to learn more about the European Journal of Politics and Gender? Sign up for the journal’s mailing list and follow @EJPGjournal on Twitter.  


Evidence and Policy cover crop

Highlights from Evidence & Policy

Editors Choice, free until 30 April

Empathy is key: addressing obstacles to policy progress of ‘work-focused healthcare’
Serena Bartys, et al. 

Historical knowledge mobilisation in a post-factual era in the United States
Joel R. Malin and Dustin Hornbeck

Creative processes in co-designing a co-design hub: towards system change in health and social services in collaboration with structurally vulnerable populations
Micsinszki, Samantha, et al. 

From our upcoming, fully open access, special issue: Creativity and co-production

Improving knowledge mobilisation in healthcare: a qualitative exploration of creative co-design methods
Cheryl Grindell et al. 

Arts-based co-production in participatory research: harnessing creativity in the tension between process and product
Louise Phillips, Maria Bee Christensen-Strynø and Lisbeth Frølunde

Engaging refugee women and girls as experts: co-creating evidence on sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian crises using creative, participatory methods
Alina Potts, Loujine Fattal and Harriet Kolli 

You might also enjoy the free sample issue and the Evidence & Policy blog.

Crop of the Global Discourse cover

Highlights from Global Discourse

Editors’ Choice collection, free until 30 April:  

Crisis communication and crisis management during COVID-19 
Ruth Wodak  

Nozick, the pandemic and fear: a contractualist justification of the COVID-19 lockdown 
Elias Moser 

Lockdown: a case study in how to lose trust and undermine compliance 
Paul Faulkner 

Recent themed issues  

Exploring Contemporary Caribbean Global Political Economic Relations: China in the Caribbean 
Guest edited by Ronnie Yearwood and Jan Yves Remy 

COVID-19 and the Politics of Fear 
Guest Edited by Matthew Flinders, Dan Degerman and Matthew Johnson 

Staying with Speculation: Natures, Futures, Politics  
Guest Edited by Maria Luján Escalante and Christine Mortimer 

Want to learn more about Global Discourse? Sign up for the journal’s mailing list and follow @Global_Discourse on Twitter.  



Crop of the Global Political Economy cover

New journal coming soon: Global Political Economy  

Global Political Economyis the much-anticipated journal for the discipline of global political economy. The journal offers a critical platform for research that interrogates prevailing institutions, norms and patterns of authority and explanatory categories, authors will engage with and drive debates around emancipatory discourses and praxis.    

Be one of the first to publish in this exciting new journal: Read the call for papers. 

Follow @GPEjournal on Twitter and sign up to the Global Political Economy mailing list to learn more.    


Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice

Highlights from the Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 

Editors' Choice collection, free until 30 April 2022:  

Political regimes and deaths in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic 
Gabriel Cepaluni, Michael T. Dorsch and Réka Branyiczki    

Debundling accountability: prosecutor and public defender elections in Florida
Bryan C. McCannon   

Rightly blamed the ‘bad guy’? Grandparental childcare and COVID-19
Christina Boll and Till Nikolka   

The impact of publications in core public choice journals: an analysis of institution rankings
Franklin G. Mixon and Kamal P. Upadhyaya 

The statist neo-institutionalism of Acemoglu and Robinson 
Deirdre Nansen McCloskey 

You might also enjoy the free sample issue. Want to know more about the Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice? Sign up to the mailing list.  

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