Policy Press

Social Movements and Social Change

Showing 1-12 of 78 items.

Social Movements and Politics During COVID-19

Crisis, Solidarity and Change in a Global Pandemic

EPUB and EPDF available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND licence.

Bringing together leading authors in the sociology and social movement fields from all continents, this unique book explores both the global echoes of the pandemic and the different local and national responses adopted by different actors.

Bristol Uni Press

From Capital to Commons

Exploring the Promise of a World beyond Capitalism

This stimulating analysis from Hannes Gerhardt shows how technology-led and commons-oriented strategies can create fairer economies and societies. Setting out the role of various digital tools with concrete examples of their value, it is a constructive and optimistic guide to overcoming anti-capitalist barriers.

Bristol Uni Press

Social Movements and Referendums from Below

Direct Democracy in the Neoliberal Crisis

Social movements formed in response to austerity measures have played an increasingly important role in referendums. The book uses unique case studies to illustrate the ways the social movements have affected the referendums’ dynamic and results. It also addresses the way in which participation from below has had a transformative impact.

Policy Press

Childhoods of the Global South

Children’s Rights and Resistance

Children in the Global South continue to be affected by social disadvantage in our unequal post-colonial world order. With a focus on working-class children in Latin America, this book explores the challenges of promoting children’s rights in a context of decolonization.

Policy Press

A Beginner’s Guide to Building Better Worlds

Ideas and Inspiration from the Zapatistas

Written by an international team of authors, this ambitious volume offers radical alternatives to staid ways of thinking on the most crucial global challenges of our times. Bridging real examples of political agency, collective action and mutual aid with big-picture concepts, the book encourages readers to ‘be a Zapatista’, wherever they are.

Policy Press

Participatory Ideology

From Exclusion to Involvement

This book examines for the first time the exclusionary nature of prevailing political ideologies. Bringing together theory, practice and the relationship between participation, political ideology and social welfare, it offers a detailed critique of how the crucial move to more participatory approaches may be achieved.

Policy Press

Hashtag Activism and Women’s Rights

Are Social Media Campaigns Really Making Laws Better for Women and Girls?

This book sheds light on the global legal impact of international social media campaigns on women’s rights.

Bristol Uni Press

Guerrilla Democracy

Mobile Power and Revolution in the 21st Century

Combining cutting edge theories with empirical research, this timely book offers an in-depth analysis of current platform-based radical movements to show how digital technologies revolutionise political and economic organising. This is an invaluable contribution to the emerging literature on the relationship between technology and society.

Bristol Uni Press

The Pandemic Within

Policy Making for a Better World

This book offers a blend of moral imagination and social-political analysis to overcome the defects COVID-19 has exposed in our political-economic order. It shows how hegemony and complexity prevent societies from envisioning better practices and institutions and presents feasible solutions.

Policy Press

Analysing the Trust–Transparency Nexus

Multi-level Governance in the UK, France and Germany

Drawing on fieldwork from the UK, France and Germany, this volume addresses the relationship between trust and transparency in the context of multi-level governance.

Policy Press

Broken Solidarities

How Open Global Governance Divides and Rules

Felix Anderl’s book is a stimulating analysis of the decline of the social movement against the World Bank and the rise of a new form of transnational rule. The book observes international organizations and social movements in their interaction, demonstrating how social movements are divided and ruled in the absence of a ruler.

Bristol Uni Press

Youth Participation and Democracy

Cultures of Doing Society

This book introduces the concept of 'doing society' by exploring how Finnish youth engage in political action beyond traditional forms. Combining empirical research and theoretical innovation, it offers a holistic view of youth participation, redefining political action to include non-conventional and non-verbal expressions.

Bristol Uni Press