Policy Press

European Consortium for Political Research conference 2022 journal highlights

Scroll down to browse the journal highlights for the ECPR conference. Including a free issue and collections from Policy & Politics and the European Journal of Politics and Gender. Keep reading for journal highlights and the free and open access launch issues of Global Social Challenges Journal and Global Political Economy

Global Social Challenges JournalPolicy & PoliticsGlobal Political EconomyEuropean Journal of Politics and GenderGlobal DiscourseEvidence & PolicyJournal of Public Finance and Public Choice

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Global Social Challenges journal banner

Global Social Challenges Journal

Global Social Challenges Journal is a non-profit open access publication with a mission to address global social issues across disciplines, fields and geographies. Explore our launch collection including:

The pandemic and the contradictions of contemporaneity [Open access] 
Boaventura de Sousa Santos 

Local approaches to climate-sensitive peacebuilding: lessons from Afghanistan [Open access] 
Adriana E. Abdenur and Siddharth Tripathi 

Human migration in a new era of mobility: intersectional and transnational approaches [Open access] 
Alison Mountz and Shiva S. Mohan 

Be amongst the first to publish in this innovative new journal. We are seeking accessible research across geographies that breaks academic silos to tackle complex issues. We also offer a forum for alternative interventions, including Policy and Practice, Debates and Provocations. Read our call for submissions and call for special issue proposals to learn more.  

Policy & Politics banner

Highlights from Policy & Politics

Policy & Politics is a world-leading journal committed to advancing our understanding of the dynamics of policy-making and implementation. With an impact factor of 3.297, it ranks in the top quartile of journals in the Political Science category of the Journal Citation Reports.  

This year we are celebrating the journal's 50th anniversary with two boundary pushing special issues, events and featured content collections. 

Sign up to the newsletter and follow @Policy_Politics on Twitter to see what we have in store.   

New Special issue - Transformational change through Public Policy (free until 31 September) 

Special issue - Taking risks and breaking new frontiers in Policy & Politics 

Highly Cited Article collection (free until 31 August) 


Crop of the Global Political Economy cover

New journal: Global Political Economy  

This new journal for the discipline of Global Political Economy interrogates prevailing institutions, norms and patterns of authority at the global level. This much-anticipated journal brings a critical interdisciplinary approach to Global Political Economy, where surrounding power relations and resistance within the current capitalist framework are highlighted.  

Read the first issue for free until 31 October, including:   

The Global Political Economy of the imperial mode of living 
Ulrich Brand 

Dissent within the global political economy: four frustrations, and some alternatives 
Bernd Bonfert, David J. Bailey and Mònica Clua-Losada 

Labour realities at Amazon and COVID-19: obstacles and collective possibilities for its warehouse workers and MTurk workers 
Sarrah Kassem 

View the full issue.

Want to publish in Global Political Economy? We are currently seeking submissions for papers and special issue proposals.   

European Journal of Politics and Gender

Highlights from the European Journal of Politics and Gender   

The European Journal of Politics and Gender (EJPG) publishes international, cutting-edge research in the broad field of politics and gender. EJPG is endorsed by the Gender and Politics Standing Group of the European Consortium for Political Research.  

Politics of Bodily Autonomy Resource List (free until 31 August)  

Editors choice collection (free until 31 October) 

Free sample issue (free until 31 December) 

Crop of the Global Discourse cover

Highlights from Global Discourse

Coming soon – Themed issue: Crisis: critical and interdisciplinary perspectives
Guest edited by Thomas Gammeltoft-Hansen, Helle Rydstrom, Mo Hamza and Vanja Berggren 

Read our Editors’ Choice Collection for free pre-prints from this issue and sign up for TOC alerts to be notified when this issue publishes.  

Themed issue: Exploring Contemporary Caribbean Global Political Economic Relations: China in the Caribbean 
Guest edited by Ronnie Yearwood and Jan Yves Remy 

Themed issue: COVID-19 and the Politics of Fear 
Guest Edited by Matthew Flinders, Dan Degerman and Matthew Johnson 

Evidence and Policy cover crop

Highlights from Evidence & Policy

Highly Cited Collection (free until 31 August) 

Editors’ Choice Collection (free until 31 October) 

Open access special issue: Creativity and co-production 
Guest edited by Joe Langley, Nicola Kayes, Ian Gwilt, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, Sarah Smith and Claire Craig 

You might also enjoy the free sample issue and the Evidence & Policy blog

Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice

Highlights from the Journal of Public Finance and Public Choice 

Coming soon: The Political Economy of the Conflict in Ukraine 
Sign up for TOC alerts to be notified when this issue publishes.  

Editors’ Choice collection (free until 31 October) 

Free sample issue (free until 31 December), including: 

Democratic transitions and monetary policy: are democratic central banks different? 
Christian Bjørnskov and Martin Rode 

Adam Smith and the problem of unintended consequences 
Lorenzo Infantino 

Legitimising the illegitimate: a review of the libertarian accounts of taxation 
Dejene Mamo Bekana 

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