Policy Press

Welcome to our European Urban Research Association Conference 2022 virtual stand

This year’s EURA conference focuses on anti-fragility in urban policy debates. 

Bristol University Press’s interdisciplinary Urban Studies list examines how the built environment shapes human behaviour and how to address complex global challenges such as poverty, climate change and urban development. 

Scroll down for our book and journal highlights.  

Use the code EURA22 for a 50% discount on all Human Geography and Urban Studies books until 30 June.  

To discuss your book project please contact Emily Watt, Senior Commissioning Editor.

Journal highlights

If you enjoy reading the articles on this stand, please recommend the journals to your librarian. Ask them to subscribe or sign up for a free trial.

Global Social Challenges JournalGlobal DiscourseJournal of Poverty and Social Justice





Global Social Challenges Journal: Non-profit, open access publishing for change

How can we re-imagine society in an era of climate change, pandemic, hunger, poverty and other pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead of us, but so do opportunities. Find out more about the journal’s aims and scope, and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.   

Global Discourse 
Read the free Editors’ Choice Collection

Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 
Read the free Editors’ Choice Collection

Emily Watt

Meet the Editor

Emily Watt, Senior Commissioning Editor

For me, the exciting part of commissioning is talking to authors and seeing a project grow from a conversation into the greatest book it can be.

If you are interested in writing for our Human Geography or Urban Studies lists, please contact me at emily.watt@bristol.ac.uk or visit our information for authors page to download our proposal guidelines.

You can also follow me on Twitter @policypress_em.