Policy Press

Life stages and intergenerationality

Addressing issues around Goal 1: No Poverty, Goal 3: Good Health and Well-beingGoal 4: Quality Education and Goal 5: Gender Equality, the work we publish in this area – including on our Ageing and Gerontology, Children, Young People and Families and Education lists, and the Longitudinal and Life Course Studies journal - helps identify and address the challenges that come at different life stages and between different generations.

It explores issues around health at different stages of life, demographics, intergenerationality, the challenges in education and the need for equal participation at all stages of the lifecourse. 

Bristol University Press and Policy Press are signed up to the UN SDG Publishers Compact. In Life stages and intergenerationality, we aim to address the following goals:

SDG Publishers compact logoSDG 1: No povertySDG 3: Good health and well-beingSDG 4: Quality educationSDG 5: Gender equality

Showing 1-12 of 289 items.

Care Technologies for Ageing Societies

An International Comparison

Exploring the role of technology in Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan, this book compares the ways in which technology is being implemented in different national contexts to contribute effectively to the sustainability of care systems.

Policy Press

COVID-19, Inequality and Older People

Everyday Life during the Pandemic

This book provides new insights into the challenges facing older people in Greater Manchester in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing on novel longitudinal research, the book analyses their lived experiences and those of organisations working to support them, shedding light on the isolating effects of social distancing.

Policy Press

The Children of Looked After Children

Outcomes, Experiences and Ensuring Meaningful Support to Young Parents In and Leaving Care

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. Based on groundbreaking original research, this book provides a comprehensive account of the issues surrounding pregnancy and parenthood for young people in and leaving care, considering the role of state as corporate parent and grandparent.

Policy Press

Adoption from Care

International Perspectives on Children’s Rights, Family Preservation and State Intervention

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND. This book explores how children’s rights are weighed against parents’ rights in a range of countries, and examines how governments and legal and welfare professionals balance those rights following the decision that children cannot grow up in their parents’ care.

Policy Press

What Works in Improving Gender Equality

International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy

EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book provides an accessible analysis of what gender equality means and how we can achieve it by adapting best practices in childcare and long term care policies from other countries.

Policy Press

Childhood and Youth

Edited by Gary Clapton

Addresses moralising within discourses of childhood and youth and asks how we might do things differently.

Policy Press

Beyond Successful and Active Ageing

A Theory of Model Ageing

This controversial book argues that concepts such as ‘successful’ and ‘active’ ageing are potentially dangerous paradigms that reflect and exacerbate inequalities in older populations. Essential reading for anyone seeking to make sense of social constructions of ageing in contemporary societies.

Policy Press

What Death Means Now

Thinking Critically about Dying and Grieving

Bringing 25 years of research and teaching in the sociology of death and dying to this important book, Tony Walter engages critically with key questions around this universal fact.

Policy Press

Adult Social Care

An historical overview of adult social care that locates the roots of the current crisis in the under-valuing of older people and adults with disabilities and in the marketisation of social care over the past two decades.

Policy Press

Children and Families

Leading researchers from across the globe look at the negative impact neoliberalism has had on children's services.

Policy Press

Social Research with Children and Young People

A Practical Guide

This book provides a practical and concise introductory guide to doing research with children and young people, outlining the benefits and challenges along with key ethical, methodological and other considerations. Throughout, there are practical examples, checklists and top tips to aid the reader.

Policy Press

Parents, Poverty and the State

20 Years of Evolving Family Policy

Naomi Eisenstadt and Carey Oppenheim explore the radical changes in public attitudes and public policy concerning parents and parenting, arguing that a more joined-up approach is needed to improve outcomes for children: both reducing child poverty and improving parental capacity by providing better support systems.

Policy Press