Policy Press

International Studies Association conference 2021 journal highlights and free articles

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Be one of the first to publish in Global Political Economy

Global Political Economy is the much-anticipated journal for the discipline of global political economy. This journal is cross-disciplinary and spans international relations, political science, business studies, economics, sociology, and more.

Go to the call for papers to learn more.

Global Political Economy’s first issue will publish in early 2022. Sign up for updates on Global Political Economy.

Part of Global Discourse cover

Global Discourse

Enjoy a free preview of our upcoming themed issue: Understanding the Politics of Fear: COVID-19, Crises and Democracy [Free until 9 April]

Pre-prints include:
Crisis communication and crisis management during COVID-19
Ruth Wodak
Lockdown: a case study in how to lose trust and undermine compliance
Paul Faulkner
House of cards: fragility and resilience of food systems in a pandemic
Serena Pollastri

Sign up for Ingenta content alerts, the BUP monthly newsletter and follow @globaldiscourse to be notified when this issue publishes.

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Themed issue; Pandemic Politics in the Persian Gulf
Guest Edited by Luciano Zaccara and Simon Mabon

Free sample issue: Transnational religious networks and geopolitics in the Muslim World
Guest Edited by Simon Mabon and Edward Wastnidge

Themed issue: The Limits of EUrope: Identities, Spaces, Values
Guest Edited by Russell Foster and Jan Grzymski

 Crop of EJPG cover

European Journal of Politics and Gender

The themed section: Law, Harm and Depletion through Social Reproduction
Guest Edited by Shirin M. Rai and Beth Goldblatt

Power, knowledge and the politics of gender in the Global South [Open Access]
Peace A. Medie and Alice J Kang

Female leader popularity and the vote, 1996–2016: a global exploratory analysis
Ruth Dassonneville, Stephen Quinlan, Ian McAllister

Want more from the European Journal of Politics and Gender? Take a look at the free sample issue and the Editors’ Choice collection

Crop of Policy & Politics cover

Policy & Politics

Special issue: Strategic management of the transition to public sector co-creation

Beyond nudge: advancing the state-of-the-art of behavioural public policy and administration
Guest edited by Benjamin Ewert, Kathrin Loer and Eva Thomann

Don’t forget to take a look at our free sample issue and Highlights Collection.

Open road

Introducing Global Social Challenges Journal: Non-profit, open access publishing for change

How can we re-imagine society in an era of climate change, pandemic, hunger, poverty and other pressing global societal challenges? Significant threats and dangers lie ahead of us, but so do opportunities. This new fully open access not for profit journal aims to facilitate thinking about these positive new trajectories and become the journal of choice to address the complexities of global social challenges across disciplines. 

Global Social Challenges Journal will be the first such journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst engaging with research from all fields of studyIt will be an important home for research which contributes to the creation of alternative futures that are socially and environmentally just and sustaining. 

Want to know more? Read our call for papers, and join the journal mailing list for the latest news.  

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