Policy Press

Meet the Editorial Team

Co-Editors in Chief 

The Global Social Challenges Journal is led by a team of six well-respected international scholars from a range of disciplines. Our Co-Editors in Chief are experienced in working across academic boundaries and are passionate about the potential of interdisciplinary research to tackle the global social challenges.   

Marcel Bursztyn

"Working in interdisciplinary research and teaching since the early 1990s, I perceived how difficult it was to publish in traditional disciplinary journals. Such a barrier is now changing, as complex challenges became clear as priorities in the research agendas. I hope my collaboration with Global Social Challenges Journal can contribute to broadening the opportunities to publish high-level inter- and trans disciplinary research."

Marcel Bursztyn is a full professor at the University of Brasilia, in the Center for Sustainable Development, Brazil

Read Marcel's bio to learn more
Siddharth Mallavarapu photo

Siddharth Mallavarapu

"As a scholar located in the global south, my involvement in the journal is to actively foster the conscious acknowledgment of a wide range of intellectual traditions and perspectives emanating from less privileged locales of knowledge production. What makes Global Social Challenges Journal attractive to me is its  attention to decolonization of knowledge forms with its distinct normative accents on what is likely to matter increasingly in the twenty first century – imperial formations, capitalism and ecological dystopias, the political economy of global redistribution, the crisis of multilateralism and deeply intertwined questions of war and peace."

Siddharth Mallavarapu is Professor at the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies at Shiv Nadar University, India

Read Siddharth's bio to learn more
Bronwen Morgan photo

Bronwen Morgan

"As an interdisciplinary socio-legal scholar, I am delighted to join a team of Co-Editors in Chief which spans all of the disciplines which infuse my field with diverse insights about the important role that law plays in society. To this exciting disciplinary mix, Global Social Challenges Journal adds a geographical spread that respects our collective interdependence in facing the many wicked problems we have generated, and a commitment to do so with respect for different forms of knowledge and enquiry. Finally, I am inspired by the journal’s creative approach to encouraging policy, debate and provocations alongside more traditional research articles, as well as the not-for-profit business model that importantly underpins the journal’s commitment to open access"

Bronwen Morgan is Professor of Law and Justice the University of New South Wales, Australia

Read Bronwen's bio to learn more
Sue Scott

Sue Scott

"I took up the opportunity to be an Editor in Chief of GSCJ because of a commitment to getting open access right and a belief that BUP, as a not-for-profit press, committed to social science, was the best possible home for such an enterprise. I have been skeptical of institutional attempts to artificially construct inter/multi/transdisciplinary and concerned at the ways in which social science is often ‘tagged on’ to STEM research, but I am also very sure that we need to be working creatively across boundaries to address the challenges facing humanity and our environment. This journal seems me to have great potential to be a space to explore these challenges and to share ideas findings not only between academics but across a much wider community.

Sue Scott is a sociologist, focusing on gender and sexuality. She is a visiting professor at Newcastle University, UK and the University of Helsinki, Finland

Read Sue's bio to learn more
David Simon

David Simon

"Having worked across and between disciplines most of my career and more recently also in strongly transdisciplinary contexts, finding an appropriate home for these outputs has often been challenging. Many journals claim to welcome such intersections and cross-overs but rarely achieve this in practice. The opportunity to help launch and develop Global Social Challenges Journal as an explicitly inter-and transdisciplinary outlet therefore instantly attracted me, the more because of its open access and non-profit business model."

David is Professor of Development Geography at the Royal Holloway, University of London, UK 

Read David's bio to learn more