Policy Press

Social Policy

Showing 397-408 of 790 items.

Home-Land: Romanian Roma, Domestic Spaces and the State

This book is the first intimate ethnography of governing encounters in the home space between Romanian Roma migrants and local frontline workers. It covers the divide between state and family, home-land and home and what it means for the new rules of citizenship.

Bristol Uni Press

The Short Guide to Health and Social Care

This clear and succinct text offers a valuable introductory guide to health and social care, helping people who want to study or work in the field understand why these services matter, how they have developed and how they work.

Policy Press

Dealing with Welfare Conditionality

Implementation and Effects

Edited by Peter Dwyer

This edited collection considers how conditional welfare policies and services are implemented and experienced by a diverse range of welfare service users across a range of UK policy domains including social security, homelessness, migration and criminal justice.

Policy Press

What Brexit Means for EU and UK Social Policy

With the UK’s decision to leave the EU as one of the greatest challenges in the EU’s history, this book seeks to understand the role played by social policy in the referendum campaign and withdrawal negotiations, and considers what Brexit means for social policy development both in the UK and across the EU.

Policy Press

English Universities in Crisis

Markets without Competition

Student fees have saddled graduates with enormous debt, satisfaction rates are low, a high proportion of graduates are in non-graduate jobs, and public debt from unpaid loans is rocketing. This timely and challenging analysis gives robust new policy proposals to encourage excellence and ultimately benefit society.

Bristol Uni Press

The Class Ceiling

Why it Pays to be Privileged

This important book takes readers behind the closed doors of elite employers to reveal how class affects who gets to the top. Drawing on 200 interviews across four case studies - television, accountancy, architecture, and acting – it explores the complex barriers facing the upwardly mobile.

Policy Press

The Modern Slavery Agenda

Policy, Politics and Practice

Modern slavery is growing despite the introduction of laws to try to stem it. This is the first book critically to assess the legislation, using evidence from across the field, and to offer strategies for improvement in policy and practice.

Policy Press

Understanding the Mixed Economy of Welfare

Edited by Martin Powell

This updated edition, written by social policy and welfare experts, shows how the mixed economy of welfare links with the important conceptual and policy debates.

Policy Press

Media and Governance

Exploring the Role of News Media in Complex Systems of Governance

First published as a special issue of Policy & Politics, this book considers the impact of media-related factors on governance, policy, public accountability and the attribution of blame for failures.

Policy Press

Implementing Innovative Social Investment

Strategic Lessons from Europe

Brings the regional and local to the forefront of social investment debates by showcasing original, evaluative evidence from ten European countries, and provides practical, accessible illustrations of good practice, routes to success, and lessons learned.

Policy Press


Understanding Super-Diversity in Deprived and Mixed Neighbourhoods

Provides a comparative international perspective on superdiversity in cities, with explicit attention given to social inequality and social exclusion on a neighbourhood level.

Policy Press


Snobbery matters because it is the way in which social divisions are built. In these times of growing social inequality, snobbery is becoming ever more pertinent. This book draws on literature, popular culture and autobiography as well as sociology and history to take a fresh and engaging look at this key social and cultural issue.

Policy Press