Policy Press

Social Policy

Showing 445-456 of 790 items.

Social Policy and Welfare Pluralism

Selected Writings of Robert Pinker

This book presents the first collection of Robert Pinker’s influential essays in one edited volume, discussing the key concepts underpinning the study of social policy and the ways in which welfare theories and ideologies together with public expectations have shaped the political processes of policy making.

Policy Press

The New Fundraisers

Who Organises Charitable Giving in Contemporary Society?

This is the first empirically-grounded and theorised account of the identity, characteristics and motivation of fundraisers in the UK. Based on original data collected during a 3-year study of over 1,200 fundraisers, the book argues that it is not possible to understand charitable giving without accounting for the role of fundraising.

Policy Press

Broken Benefits

What's Gone Wrong with Welfare Reform

In Broken Benefits, Sam Royston argues that social security isn’t working, and without a change in direction, it will be even less fair in the future.

He provides an introductory guide to social security, correcting misunderstandings and presents practical ideas of how benefits should be reformed.

Policy Press

Healthcare in Transition

Understanding Key Ideas and Tensions in Contemporary Health Policy

This book explores the fundamental currents and tensions that lie behind recent trends in health policy such as shared decision-making, co-production, and personalisation.

Policy Press

Social Movements and Referendums from Below

Direct Democracy in the Neoliberal Crisis

Social movements formed in response to austerity measures have played an increasingly important role in referendums. The book uses unique case studies to illustrate the ways the social movements have affected the referendums’ dynamic and results. It also addresses the way in which participation from below has had a transformative impact.

Policy Press

Did the Millennium Development Goals Work?

Meeting Future Challenges with Past Lessons

Leading scholars and practitioners from a range of backgrounds and regions use area-specific case studies to critically assess the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) project and its impact.

Policy Press

Religion and Welfare in Europe

Gendered and Minority Perspectives

Compares regional conceptions and variations of welfare in relation to national religious traditions across key parts of Europe. Using comparative case studies, the book examines the transition from research to practical policy recommendations, highlighting the similarities and differences between selected European countries.

Policy Press

The Political Economy of the Irish Welfare State

Church, State and Capital

A fascinating interpretation of the evolution of social policy in modern Ireland, as the product of a triangulated relationship between church, state and capital.

Policy Press

Abortion Wars

The Fight for Reproductive Rights

In this hard-hitting timely book Judith Orr, leading pro-choice campaigner, shows that despite the 1967 Abortion Act full reproductive rights in Britain are yet to be won. The book also highlights current debates over decriminalisation and argues for abortion provision fit for the 21st century.

Policy Press

Austerity, Community Action, and the Future of Citizenship in Europe

Exploring secular and faith-based grassroots social action in Germany and the UK, this book provides new ways of thinking about social and political belonging and about the relations between individual, collective and State responsibility.

Policy Press

The Inequality Crisis

The facts and what we can do about it

Inequality has at last taken centre stage in the political discourse, but there is very little to explain the inequality debates and to offer solutions for the UK. This introductory book provides a comprehensive survey of all the available evidence, looking at both sides of the inequality argument.

Policy Press

Rethinking Poverty

What Makes a Good Society?

This book calls for a bold forward-looking social policy that addresses continuing austerity, under-resourced organisations and a lack of social solidarity. Based on a research programme by the Webb Memorial Trust, a key theme is power which shows that the way forward is to increase people’s sense of agency in building the society that they want.

Policy Press