Policy Press


Showing 457-468 of 604 items.

What Brexit Means for EU and UK Social Policy

With the UK’s decision to leave the EU as one of the greatest challenges in the EU’s history, this book seeks to understand the role played by social policy in the referendum campaign and withdrawal negotiations, and considers what Brexit means for social policy development both in the UK and across the EU.

Policy Press

Unaccompanied Young Migrants

Identity, Care and Justice

Exploring in depth the journeys migrant youth take through the UK legal and care systems, this book contributes new thinking, from a social justice perspective, on migration and human rights for policy, practice and future research.

Policy Press

The Class Ceiling

Why it Pays to be Privileged

This important book takes readers behind the closed doors of elite employers to reveal how class affects who gets to the top. Drawing on 200 interviews across four case studies - television, accountancy, architecture, and acting – it explores the complex barriers facing the upwardly mobile.

Policy Press

A Criminology of Moral Order

Moral order is disturbed by criminal events, however traditionally, issues around morality have been neglected by criminologists. Using the moral perspective Boutellier bridges the gap between people’s emotional opinions on crime, and criminologists rationalised answers to questions of crime and security.

Bristol Uni Press


Understanding Super-Diversity in Deprived and Mixed Neighbourhoods

Provides a comparative international perspective on superdiversity in cities, with explicit attention given to social inequality and social exclusion on a neighbourhood level.

Policy Press

Vital Bodies

Living with Illness

Based on ethnographic research conducted over a year, this book tells the story of twelve people, each living with illness. Focusing on everyday life, it explores ideas of care, vulnerability and choice. Juxtaposing text with illustrations, the book highlights the intimacies of visual sociology and demonstrates the value of sensuous scholarship.

Policy Press

Reimagining Global Abortion Politics

A Social Justice Perspective

This book considers how societal influences, such as religion, nationalism and culture, impact abortion law and access. It provides an accessible, informative and engaging text for academics, policy makers and readers interested in abortion politics.

Policy Press

The Sexual Politics of Gendered Violence and Women's Citizenship

This book examines how responses by the state shape a woman’s citizenship long after she has escaped from a violent partner. It investigates the effects of intimate partner violence on everyday life including housing, employment, mental health and social participation and offers critical insights for the development of social policy and practice.

Policy Press

From Here to Maternity

Becoming a Mother

Ann Oakley interviewed 60 women to find out what it’s really like to have a baby. She discusses whether and why women want to become pregnant, how they imagine motherhood to be, the experience of birth, post-natal depression, feeding and caring routines and the challenges for the domestic division of labour and to fathers.

Policy Press

Social Support and Motherhood

The Natural History of a Research Project

Ann Oakley develops a sociology of the research process, telling how a research project on caring and social support is undertaken. It has much resonance for social science researchers and others interested in the experiences of mothers, and the relations between social research, academic knowledge and public policy.

Policy Press

The Harms of Work

An Ultra-Realist Account of the Service Economy

This book discusses workplace harm through an ultra-realist lens and examines the connection between individuals, their working conditions and management culture. It investigates the reorganisation of labour markets and the shift to flexibility and highlights working conditions and organisational practices within which multiple harms occur.

Bristol Uni Press

The Sociology of Housework

Ann Oakley analysed the perceptions of 40 urban housewives around housework, their feelings of monotony and fragmentation, the length of their working week, the importance of standards and routines, and their attitudes to different household tasks. This classic book paved the way for the sociological study of many more aspects of women’s lives.

Policy Press