Policy Press

Sociology - Research

Showing 13-24 of 684 items.

Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life

Cross-National Perspectives

A challenge to the assumption that there is appropriate employment available for people who are expected to retire later and the gender-neutral way the expectation for extending working lives is presented in most policy-making circles.

Policy Press

Intimacy and Ageing

New Relationships in Later Life

This timely book, part of the Ageing in a Global Context series, addresses the gap in knowledge about late life repartnering and provides a comprehensive map of the changing landscape of late life intimacy.

Policy Press

Welfare, Inequality and Social Citizenship

Deprivation and Affluence in Austerity Britain

Offers a rare and vivid insight into the everyday lives, attitudes and behaviours of the rich as well as the poor across the UK, demonstrating how those marginalised and validated by the existing welfare system make sense of the prevailing socio-political settlement and their own position within it.

Policy Press

Social Movements and Referendums from Below

Direct Democracy in the Neoliberal Crisis

Social movements formed in response to austerity measures have played an increasingly important role in referendums. The book uses unique case studies to illustrate the ways the social movements have affected the referendums’ dynamic and results. It also addresses the way in which participation from below has had a transformative impact.

Policy Press

Hungry Britain

The Rise of Food Charity

Drawing on empirical research with the UK’s two largest Food Banks, this book explores the prolific rise of food charity over the last 15 years and its implications for overcoming food insecurity.

Policy Press

Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK

Volume 1 - The Nature and Extent of the Problem

This text provides insights into the nature and extent of poverty and social exclusion in the UK today for different social groups: older and younger people; parents and children; ethnic groups; men and women; disabled people; and across regions through the recent period of austerity.

Policy Press

The Harms of Work

An Ultra-Realist Account of the Service Economy

This book discusses workplace harm through an ultra-realist lens and examines the connection between individuals, their working conditions and management culture. It investigates the reorganisation of labour markets and the shift to flexibility and highlights working conditions and organisational practices within which multiple harms occur.

Bristol Uni Press

Welfare to Work in Contemporary European Welfare States

Legal, Sociological and Philosophical Perspectives on Justice and Domination

With welfare to work programmes under intense scrutiny, this book ranges widely across Europe to review existing policies and explore future ones. It shows how many schemes do not adequately address social rights and lived experiences, and consider alternatives based on theories of non-domination.

Policy Press

Policy for a change

Local labour market analysis and gender equality

Edited by Sue Yeandle

Using a new and original approach, this illuminating book explores women's employment at the start of the 21st century, identifying aspects of women's labour market situation which remain poorly understood and challenging much 'received wisdom' about women and work.

Policy Press

Faith-Based Organisations and Exclusion in European Cities

This timely book explores the role played by faith-based organisations (FBOs), which are growing in importance in the provision of social services in the European context.

Policy Press

Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa

Spaces and Practices of Care

In-depth ethnographic analysis provides the pan-African evidence and analysis needed to move forward debates about who and how to address the long term care needs of older people in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Policy Press

The gender dimension of social change

The contribution of dynamic research to the study of women's life courses

This new study uses longitudinal data to provide new insights into the changing dynamics of lives of women today. In particular, it explores the potential of longitudinal or life course analysis as a powerful tool for appreciating the gender dimension of social life.

Policy Press