Policy Press

British Sociological Association conference 2022 journal highlights

Scroll down to browse the journal highlights for the British Sociological Association Annual Conference. Including free articles and the launch our new journals Global Social Challenges Journal and Consumption and Society

GSCJ coverWork in the Global Economy coverConsumption and Society coverFamilies, Relationships and Societies coverEmotions and Society coverJournal of Psychosocial Studies coverJournal of Gender-Based Violence coverInternational Journal of Care and Caring coverGlobal Political Economy cover

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Global Social Challenges Journal banner

Publishing in June: Global Social Challenges Journal

Global Social Challenges Journal is a non-profit, open access publication with a mission to address urgent global social issues by breaking academic silos. It is a powerful new forum for scholarship seeking to address the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and influence policy and practice.  

We are open for submissions! Read our call for papers, learn more about publishing with us, including our APC waiver for authors without open access funding

Global Social Challenges Journal is led by an international editorial team of well-respected and groundbreaking scholars from a range of disciplines, including Co-Editor Sue Scott.

Sue Scott

Sue Scott

"I took up the opportunity to be an Editor in Chief of GSCJ because of a commitment to getting open access right and a belief that BUP, as a not-for-profit press, committed to social science, was the best possible home for such an enterprise. I have been skeptical of institutional attempts to artificially construct inter/multi/transdisciplinary and concerned at the ways in which social science is often ‘tagged on’ to STEM research, but I am also very sure that we need to be working creatively across boundaries to address the challenges facing humanity and our environment. This journal seems me to have great potential to be a space to explore these challenges and to share ideas findings not only between academics but across a much wider community.

Sue Scott is a sociologist, focusing on gender and sexuality. She is a visiting professor at Newcastle University, UK and the University of Helsinki


Work in the Global Economy banner

Work in the Global Economy 

Work in the Global Economy is a new interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that promotes understanding of work, and connections to work, in all forms and dimensions.

Foregrounding the diverse interests that compose labour and capital in the Global South and North, the journal will promote interdisciplinary and international agendas that have broad appeal to scholars and students of the sociology of work.

Editors Choice collection

Read these highlights from our first issue for free until 31st July.

The return of the labour process: race, skill and technology in South African labour studies
Bridget Kenny and Edward Webster 

Subcontracted racial capitalism: the interrelationship of race and production in meat processing plants
Valeria Piro and Devi Sacchetto

Surveilling Amazon’s warehouse workers: racism, retaliation and worker resistance amid the pandemic
Jake Alimahomed-Wilson and Ellen Reese

Want to write for Work in the Global Economy? Read our call for papers to learn more.  

Follow @WGEjournal on Twitter and sign up to the mailing list for the latest news. 

Consumption and Society banner

Introducing Consumption and Society

Consumption and Society publishes high-quality, original peer-reviewed articles that advance theoretical and empirical understanding of consumption as a societal phenomenon. It addresses consumption in its social, cultural, symbolic, economic, political and material dimensions. 

Affiliated with the European Sociological Association's Research Network on Sociology of Consumption (ESA RN5) and the Sustainable Consumption Research & Action Initiative (SCORAI) Europe, as well as the British Sociological Association’s Consumption Study Group, a key feature of the journal will be to reflect the pluralism of these networks. The journal will be launched in August 2022. 

Want to learn more? Read the journal’s aims and scope and sign up to the Consumption and Society mailing list.   

Families, relationships and societies banner

Families, Relationships and Societies

Families, Relationships and Societies (FRS) is a social science journal designed to advance scholarship and debate in the growing field of families and relationships across the life course. It explores family life, relationships and generational issues from interdisciplinary, social science perspectives, while maintaining a solid grounding in sociological theory and methods and a strong policy and practice focus.

Editors’ Choice collection

A systematic review of family and social relationships: implications for sex trafficking recruitment and victimisation
Lidia Puigvert et al.

From being ‘at risk’ to being ‘a risk’: journeys into parenthood among young women experiencing adversity
Megan Blaxland et al.

Workplace matters: negotiating a sense of entitlement towards taking time off for childcare among Korean fathers working in Sweden
Yeon-Jin Kim

You might also enjoy our free sample issue: Volume 9, Number 3, November 2020.

Emotions and Society banner

Emotions and Society

Emotions and Society publishes high-quality, articles that advance theoretical and empirical understanding of emotions in social life. It is associated with the European Sociological Association's (ESA) Research Network on Sociology of Emotions (RN11). The journal aims to develop a uniquely sociological perspective on emotions, while also engaging in interdisciplinary exchanges.

Want to learn more? Take a look at our free sample issue and explore our editors’ favourite articles from recent issues. Highlights include:

The politics of emotion in a parenting support programme for refugees in Norway
Tale Steen-Johnsen and Lisbeth Ljosdal Skreland

Surprise: a micro-sociological analysis
Susie Scott

Out of touch, out of tune: the social-political construction of atmospheric walls during the COVID-19 pandemic first wave
Kandida Purnell

You might also enjoy our recent themed section on Emotions and Politics.

Journal of Psychosocial Studies banner

Journal of Psychosocial Studies

The Journal of Psychosocial Studies publishes work that falls within the broad transdisciplinary area of Psychosocial Studies, defined by a commitment to understanding the significance of the links between internal and external worlds.

Read the free sample issue

You might also enjoy the Editors’ Choice collection.

Journal of Gender-Based Violence banner

Journal of Gender-Based Violence

The Journal of Gender-Based Violence is the first international journal based in Europe to showcase the work of scholars across disciplinary and topic boundaries, and from a range of methodologies.

The journal documents the voices and experiences of victims and survivors of Gender-Based Violence (GBV), to publish work regarding those who perpetrate GBV and of the varied and complex social structures, inequalities and gender norms through which GBV is produced and sustained.

Editors’ Choice collection (free until 31st July)

Free sample issue: Volume 4, Number 2, June

Themed section: Sexual violence / Children and mothers post-separation

International Journal of Care and Caring banner

International Journal of Care and Caring

The International Journal of Care and Caring advances scholarship and debate in the important and expanding field of care and caring. Multidisciplinary and international in scope, it publishes high-quality contributions on care, caring and carers from all regions of the world.

Special Issue: Care, caring, and the global COVID-19 pandemic
Guest Edited by Michael Fine and Joan Tronto

Editors’ Choice collection (free until 31st July )

Free sample issue: Volume 4, Number 2, May 

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New journal coming soon: Global Political Economy  

Global Political Economy is the much-anticipated journal for the discipline of global political economy. The journal offers a critical platform for research that interrogates prevailing institutions, norms and patterns of authority and explanatory categories, authors will engage with and drive debates around emancipatory discourses and praxis.   

We are open for submissions!  Read the call for papers to learn more. Don’t forget to sign up to the Global Political Economy mailing list and follow @GPEJournal on Twitter.

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Longitudinal and Life Course Studies coverEuropean Journal of Politics and Gender coverGlobal Discourse coverEv&P coverP&P coverJournal of Poverty and Social Justice cover



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